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App crashes when updating

On Windows, it has been observed that the app crashes when attempting to update the database. We are aware of this issue and actively working to resolve it. The problem arises because the update function requires administrative privileges, which Windows does not automatically provide. To temporarily resolve this issue, you can execute the app with administrative privileges. Right-click on the app and select "Run as administrator" to launch it with the necessary privileges.

Where does the Raspirus logo come from?

The logo of the Raspirus app features a red monster named Stuart, who is designed to represent a virus-eating creature. The logo was generated using DALL-E, along with creative image editing and merging. Stuart is a friendly monster, except when he's hungry for viruses. You can find additional media and documents in the dedicated repository. Feel free to use these images to create your own artwork and share them in the discussion boards.

Can I use Raspirus offline?

Yes, except for the update, everything on Raspirus works offline. The database is built locally, you only need to be connected to the internet during the database update, as we fetch the signatures from our GitHub repository.

What are the minimum requirements for the app to work?

Raspirus is built to work and almost any system. It even works well on a RPi 3B+. Nonetheless, we recommend having:

  • 1 GB of RAM
  • minimum of 10 GB of space (the database is sadly quite big)
  • Dual core CPU (The better, the faster Raspirus will be)
  • A display for the GUI, else you can only use it in CLI mode
  • Any graphics card
My VScode setup is giving me issues

The Rust Analyzer plugin in Visual Studio Code searches for a Cargo.toml file in the current directory or its parent directory. To address this issue, you can add an option to the plugin settings and specify the location of your Cargo.toml file.

As mentioned in this comment, you can add the following lines to the end of your plugin settings JSON. Afterward, restart the Rust Analyzer for the modifications to take effect.

    "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [
Can't select directories/files

Unfortunately, as of this issue with Tauri, we currently can't allow users to select both files and folders. To switch between selecting a single file or folder, you need to change it in the Raspirus settings. There you will find a switch for it.

What is obfuscated mode?

Raspirus was originally intended for enterprise usage and therefore needed to be privacy-friendly. To ensure that, it added the "Obfuscation Mode", which will hide everything, detect malware faster and only display: "Malware found" or "No malware found". It is on by default, so if you want to know a bit more about your scan, you should probably deactivate it. You can do so in the settings.

error: found a virtual manifest instead of a package manifest

If you get this error when performing cargo install or using the Makefile, please note that it's a know issue. The solution is simple, as explained on this Stackoverflow answer, simply change the command to include the workspace, like this: cargo install --path src-tauri/

How do I add my own signatures to the main repository?

Raspirus fetches signatures from the signatures repository and creates the database locally. You can add signatures to the repository by creating an issue or PR request on that repository. Or if you want to experiment with it locally, you can use the signatures-builder that we use to update the signatures in the signatures repository
